Barden Tower4 images Sheep5 images The Strid6 images 1Tithe Barn 2Stream Feeding Into the River 3Abbey and Priory Profile 4At Rest 5Arched Windows 6Gaping Maw Eating the Sky 7Having a Go at the Stepping Stones 8Sarah the Stone Stepping Expert 9Water and Stone 10Randy Making It Look Easy 11Dog Perch 12Sheer Face 13Stately Manor Home 14Yellow Blooms 15Rear of the Manor House 16Rough Hewn Bench in the Forest 17Wooded Path 18Non-Conformist Blue Bells 19Sprig of Blue Bells 20Long Wall and Big Sky 21Barbs22Empty Windows23Lady Anne Clifford's Inscription24A Leisurely Path25Mom and Babies26Pennies Hammered Down27Abe on the Rise28Arches29Over the River30Steps on the Green PrevExit1:1FitThumbnailsHide thumbsInfoHide infoPlayPauseNext Fountains Abbey