Hiking10 images 1Chester House 2Mallards Swimming in the River Windrush 3Road Bridge Over the Windrush 4Pleasant Footbridge 5Swimming Drake 6Trees and Crowds on the Riverbanks 7Spikey Fence 8Scenic View 9White Petals 10White Petal Blooms 11Stone Mushrooms 12 13Neighborhood Cotswold Houses 14Pink Blooms 15Blue Flowers and Stone Wall 16Little Blue Flowers Close Up 17Looking Out of the Window of the Chester House 18Flowers and Lamps 19Evening Light on Old Stone 20 21Road Past The Duke of Wellington Bed and Breakfast22Chimney Stacks and Clock23Shops Along the River24Cool Bas-Relief Above a Door25The Riverside House26Sheeps in the Field27Farmhouse28Jack on a Bridge29Nice Manor House30Memorial to the Village Fallen of World War One and Two 31St. Lawrences Church Tower32Stone Bench Outside of Church33Row of Headstones34William Wells35Bushes and Wild Carrots36Mossy Wall37 PrevExit1:1FitThumbnailsHide thumbsInfoHide infoPlayPauseNext Blenheim PalaceCheltenham